Thursday, December 11, 2008

Knitting.. Crochet.. Part II

Salam.. Hah dah ada yg berkenan ker.. Mama aku xberniaga, dia wat as hobby and present kengkawan jer.. Tapi in future xtau la.. Ada juga opismate dia pesan, mama buat yg mana dia sempat jer.. Coz she stil working..

Back to my story, so after week by week menemani mama ke Sg Wang, aku ter'desperate' mcari aktiviti sampingan sementara mama dlm pengajiannya.. Kalo aku ada keje lain, or ada urgent kat opis, abah pulak yg take over my place, tapi dia okey jer.. Sabar dan tenang menunggu isterinya.. Cuma bila dgn abah, masa blajo mama akan jd limited sbb itu la syarat utama kalau nak abah hantar.. Alasan - Abah sakit pinggang, xblh tunggu lama2..

Kalau dgn aku, dia akan masuk selepas sejam autie bukak kedai, habis bila auntie dah bebel2 nak tutup kedai.. Hehe.. Malu dgn mama, sbb aku sendiri xpunya minat sebegitu kuat utk blajo lagi..

Okey.. Korang nak tau aku wat aper??.. Jgn kutuk tau, aku ni ada daulat jugak tau.. Aku jadi.. Student auntie tu juger!!.. Kwang.. Kwang.. Tapi bukan blajo knitting@crochet sbb tangan aku belum cukup lembut utk menda2 tu.. Tapi aku bukan nak jadi aw-aw tau.. Dintch bolz ualz.. Dintch bolz.. Hem tak skalz.. MrCitra Jiwa apa ke maknanya tu.. Hehe.. Bgtau Sis Nuni ek.. Ala diorg pun manusia juga, jnji tau jga diri dah.. Btul x?

Aku actually blajo wat carpet/mat.. Depends on the size, it could be carpet or your toilet mat or you might framed it as wel.. Not so difficult la, so so jer..

The first tool u need to buy is the mat's net (used as the pattern of the mat).. At the first place, I hv no idea on wat should I choose as my first mat, so I just close my eyes and try to grab the net randomly.. And as u can see, my choice is little Hello Kitty.. So cute..

Second is Needle (special for mat net).. Yarn holder and also a scissor..

Rug yarn (various colours - based on your pattern/picture).. I can say that many patterns require more on black and white colours..

Thats all.. And the tools will cost you around RM 46.. Mama blanjer.. Hehe.. Quite cheap right.. As auntie told me, it would takes 1-2 weeks to finish.. And for the finishing, I cannot runaway, it use crochet technique.. My luck, mama kan ada.. Alamak, my first mat dah ada owner la, mama nak.. Kalo xjadi aku kena pay back all the bills.. Haru.. Haru..

This is the complete sample..

Nice rite??.. Okey la.. I will try my best to finish that Hello Kitty Mat.. And report to you the progress (if any.. huhuhu).. Jangan tersilap jadi gambo 'someone' udah.. Angau betul aku ni..

.: Tanpa manis madah.. Janji yang puitis.. Tuk persembahan.. Hanya ketulusan ..Sekeping hati suci.. Aku.. Berikan kasih.. Kalau itu yang kau mahu dari ku.. Aku.. Berikan cinta.. Untuk membahagiakan hari mu.. Aku.. Sayangi dirimu.. Biarpun nafas ku sampai terhenti:. --> Utk 'someone'.. Wah.. Wah..

Arrghh.. Sedih btul bila hayati lirik lagu Nubhan ni.. Aku frust sgt lagu ni xmasuk final Juara Lagu tu.. Demam ke hapa juri2 malam tu..

Xapa la 'someone'.. Jgn suka daring2 tau kang kalo lari biji mata tu sapa yg susah.. MrCitra Jiwa tlg jawab..

Alright, I think I have to stop before more and more nonsense coming out.. Wish me luck okey, to produce a COMPLETE mat..


**P/S: Kengkawan kat Penilaian kalo nak blajo wat mat bgtau, sy xcharge mahal, kira jam jer.. Hehe..


  1. Anonymous10:19 AM

    aduh... dah angau semacam jer ... gers skalz uolzz.. hua hua hua... hemz jugak duk dgr lagu dingin by akak ziana zain... ala2 putus cinta giteww... hemz sedih bangat nih... hu hu hu..

  2. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Isshh.. Ditch bols sed selz.. Hem hoi.. Ualz ken car shub lain.. Perlu ke melar aldtime..
