Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Jenguk-Jenguk.. Tinjau-Tinjau..

Salam.. Dah Disember rupanyer.. Sekejap jer masa berlalu.. Dah hujung tahun pun.. Banyak lagi azam, cita2 n impian tahun ni yg belum tertunai.. Suntuk dah masa, kena check n revise balik untuk dibawa ke tahun depan.. Mudah-mudahan Allah panjangkan umur kita semua.. Insya Allah..

Baru beberapa hari xmgadap blog ni, rasa cam dah lama banget xupdate.. Hehe.. Tu yg jenguk2.. tinjau2.. apa dh jadi kat blog aku ni..

The POLL has expired.. As depicted, Memey is the most wanted DIVA.. Even Siti was defeated.. Haha.. I know u guys r not serious right.. Talking about the response, 11 voters.. Not so good for starting.. Later I'll post another issue and we'll see the response ya..

Aiduladha is coming next week.. So hepi holiday and Selamat Hari Raya Aiduladha .. Sorry for any stupid word or action that Ive ever done.. Plz make sure you have enough rest and plan your journey wisely.. Your vehicle, home and watsoever.. Drive carefully .. We only hv one life, hence better to appreciate it.. Anyway I dont have any plan yet but most probably we will go somewhere with my adorable niece.. And actually Im not in the mood because my father was admitted and received physioteraphy treament on his shoulder.. He needs to get some rest..

I have no idea to proceed.. Just pray and hope my life will always full with smiles and trustworthy friends.. Like Naruto and his comrades.. 'Someone'.. Share everything.. Aiyo.. So ridiculous.. Am I awake??.. Sis Nuni.. Mr CitraJiwa.. Where r u.. ZZzzzz.. Huhh..



  1. Anonymous9:23 AM

    i'm here..hehehe..tapi akak tak puas hati! tak puas hati! si MEMEY menang..bukak balik poll akak nak undi lagi ..

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    memey memang best...
    menggoda weh.... hahahahh..
    memang patut menang
