Friday, December 26, 2008

Time for holiday..

Salam.. Semoga anda n keluarga sihat dan sejahtera.. Akhirnya dapat jua aku kesempatan utk releks n bercuti di kampung.. Aku bertolak balik hari Rabu kul 5 pagi and plan to stay til Sunday.. Pagi-pagi buta ni Highway aman sket dan blh la speedup..

So Krismas aku dcni, di sebuah kampung di Pokok Sena Kedah.. Ada la few activities, kenduri kawen, nak p berkelah, melawat kengkawan.. And aktiviti wajib tiap kali balik kedah ini ialah beli dvd.. Kat cni dvd murah, about RM 5 per story and one thing that so special which is I can try watever dvd I wan to buy.. The shopgirl girl also could recognised my cute face.. And she so helpful, always told me which story is good, clear and worth to buy.. Dah byk kali dia minta pizza, yer la dari aku Universiti dulu smpi la ni, dh byk ceriter dia recommend.. Nanti la aku blanja.. Hehe.. So no prob to get good quality picture at the cheaper price.. At KL most of the the dvds are so expensive, around 8-10 hinggit per disc n usually the picture is so terrible indeed.. I also received quite many orders from my opismate, jd broker kepada pirate la pulak, but then my intention is solely to help them to buy dvd that worth for their money.. Bukan nak jd pirate hah.. I wil buy original disk, but ultimately it depends on the quality, artist and or course, my budget.. =)

Sis Nuni dah bercuti awal lagi.. Su start cuti dgn aku.. Akib blum lagi.. Mr CitraJiwa minggu depan smpi awal tahun baru.. Huh jawabnya tgh bln januari la baru blh kumpul balik sumer.. Boring juga biler xcukup geng ni.. And 'someone' aku xpasti pulak bler dia cuti.. Harap2 xlama.. Kang kena 'chikunnya'pulak aku sebab rindukan dia.. Btul ke aku eja tu.. Huh mintak dijauhkan..

Alamak pasal carpet aku tu, aku minta tangguh ekk.. Aku dh mula buat tapi progres is very slow aa.. Nak upload gambo pun memalukan.. Nanti ekk, Insya Allah aku sudahkan.. Sekarang ni modul aku tu pulak tgh dingdong lagi, nak wat enhancement tp blum dpt approval, big2 boss tgh bincang2.. So keje xada la truk sgt..

Okey la sampai sini dulu, for those who are celebrating Christmas, Merry Christmas!!.. Slamat bercuti.. Hati2 di jalanan.. Daaaa..

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Knitting.. Crochet.. Part II

Salam.. Hah dah ada yg berkenan ker.. Mama aku xberniaga, dia wat as hobby and present kengkawan jer.. Tapi in future xtau la.. Ada juga opismate dia pesan, mama buat yg mana dia sempat jer.. Coz she stil working..

Back to my story, so after week by week menemani mama ke Sg Wang, aku ter'desperate' mcari aktiviti sampingan sementara mama dlm pengajiannya.. Kalo aku ada keje lain, or ada urgent kat opis, abah pulak yg take over my place, tapi dia okey jer.. Sabar dan tenang menunggu isterinya.. Cuma bila dgn abah, masa blajo mama akan jd limited sbb itu la syarat utama kalau nak abah hantar.. Alasan - Abah sakit pinggang, xblh tunggu lama2..

Kalau dgn aku, dia akan masuk selepas sejam autie bukak kedai, habis bila auntie dah bebel2 nak tutup kedai.. Hehe.. Malu dgn mama, sbb aku sendiri xpunya minat sebegitu kuat utk blajo lagi..

Okey.. Korang nak tau aku wat aper??.. Jgn kutuk tau, aku ni ada daulat jugak tau.. Aku jadi.. Student auntie tu juger!!.. Kwang.. Kwang.. Tapi bukan blajo knitting@crochet sbb tangan aku belum cukup lembut utk menda2 tu.. Tapi aku bukan nak jadi aw-aw tau.. Dintch bolz ualz.. Dintch bolz.. Hem tak skalz.. MrCitra Jiwa apa ke maknanya tu.. Hehe.. Bgtau Sis Nuni ek.. Ala diorg pun manusia juga, jnji tau jga diri dah.. Btul x?

Aku actually blajo wat carpet/mat.. Depends on the size, it could be carpet or your toilet mat or you might framed it as wel.. Not so difficult la, so so jer..

The first tool u need to buy is the mat's net (used as the pattern of the mat).. At the first place, I hv no idea on wat should I choose as my first mat, so I just close my eyes and try to grab the net randomly.. And as u can see, my choice is little Hello Kitty.. So cute..

Second is Needle (special for mat net).. Yarn holder and also a scissor..

Rug yarn (various colours - based on your pattern/picture).. I can say that many patterns require more on black and white colours..

Thats all.. And the tools will cost you around RM 46.. Mama blanjer.. Hehe.. Quite cheap right.. As auntie told me, it would takes 1-2 weeks to finish.. And for the finishing, I cannot runaway, it use crochet technique.. My luck, mama kan ada.. Alamak, my first mat dah ada owner la, mama nak.. Kalo xjadi aku kena pay back all the bills.. Haru.. Haru..

This is the complete sample..

Nice rite??.. Okey la.. I will try my best to finish that Hello Kitty Mat.. And report to you the progress (if any.. huhuhu).. Jangan tersilap jadi gambo 'someone' udah.. Angau betul aku ni..

.: Tanpa manis madah.. Janji yang puitis.. Tuk persembahan.. Hanya ketulusan ..Sekeping hati suci.. Aku.. Berikan kasih.. Kalau itu yang kau mahu dari ku.. Aku.. Berikan cinta.. Untuk membahagiakan hari mu.. Aku.. Sayangi dirimu.. Biarpun nafas ku sampai terhenti:. --> Utk 'someone'.. Wah.. Wah..

Arrghh.. Sedih btul bila hayati lirik lagu Nubhan ni.. Aku frust sgt lagu ni xmasuk final Juara Lagu tu.. Demam ke hapa juri2 malam tu..

Xapa la 'someone'.. Jgn suka daring2 tau kang kalo lari biji mata tu sapa yg susah.. MrCitra Jiwa tlg jawab..

Alright, I think I have to stop before more and more nonsense coming out.. Wish me luck okey, to produce a COMPLETE mat..


**P/S: Kengkawan kat Penilaian kalo nak blajo wat mat bgtau, sy xcharge mahal, kira jam jer.. Hehe..

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Knitting.. Crochet.. Apa tu??!!..

Salam.. Pejam celik pejam celik dah berlalu Aidiladha.. Yang penting kita kena tahu dan selalu sematkan di dalam hati kita, Pengorbanan Itu Kunci Kejayaan.. Macam pengorbanan Nabi Allah Ismail a.s...

Kali ni aku nak citer sket pasal hobi Mama kesayangan aku.. Dari aku baby sampai la aku besar ni, aku slalu tgk dia wat knitting and crochet.. Im not sure on the spelling, plz let me know if it is wrong ya.. Ala yang pakai 1@2 jarum yang panjang tu.. 1 lagi pakai jarum yang ada cangkuk kat hujung dia tu.. Kira memang hobi Mama sejak aku kecik2 sampai la umur dia dekat 56 thn ni.. Byk dah hasil tangan dia tu, antaranya stokin kami adik beradik, and baju sejuk.. Comei n cute giler hasil dia tau..

Sebulan ke dua bulan yg lepas, masa kami jenjalan kat Sg Wang, jumpa la dengan kedai yg jual benang and all the tools related wt knitting and crochet ni.. Yang mama aku sronok sgt, diorg also provide free class for those yang nak blaja seni knitting and crochet ni.. Xkira la korang dah pandai ker.. Baru terketar-ketar tangan nak blajo ker.. Sebab pattern and design dia byk giler..
And the story has began..

Semenjak itu la most of the weekends mama aku akan ke kedai tu utk meningkatkan jutsu-jutsu dia dalam knitting and crochet ni.. Masa menunggu memang mencabar kesabaran dan kesusilaan aku.. Ye la takkan aku nak tercongok dekat kedai tu sampai mama abis kelas.. So mula2 aku bwk buku, last2 sampai huruf2 dlm buku tu kembar lima, punya la aku fokus.. haha.. Lepas tu aku melepak plak kat kedai cd, sambil tgk naruto shipuden kat luar kedai tu.. Boleh ke dia tutup tv dia, hampeh betul.. Kedekut al bakhil betul tokey tu.. Siap jeling aku lagi.. Aku tampo kang juling mata dia.. Isk.. Isk..

Arrgghh.. Tension.. Tension.. Aku xtau dah nak wat apa.. Takkan nak duduk kat kedai makan, jadi bebola ayam kang badan aku ni.. Tak teman kang kesian pulak mama, dulu kecik2 blh jer dia teman aku ke mana2 aku nak pegi..

By the way.. Ni antara hasil yang dia dah buat sepanjang dia blajo tu.. Kebanyakkan nya utk baby, ala utk cucu mama aku yg tersyg tu..

Cantik tak.. Baby jer tau.. Mak-mak baby tgk jer la..

Yang ni pulak stokin utk para bayi2.. Dulu aku selalu juga minta mama aku buat and bagi hadiah kat orang..

Kat atas tu sumer crochet, ni pulak knitting, baju utk anak buah aku yang almost 95% siap..

Auntie tokey kedai ni pulak suka wat baju utk anak patung (dolls) di samping menda2 lain.. Macam ni..

Amazing kan.. Biler aku tgk mama aku buat, ada juga hati dan perasaan nak blaja, tp aku xcukup seni tangan la.. Kait2 jer simpul.. Last2 keje aku, tukang gunting bola utk stokin jer.. Benang tu korang kena bulat2 kan guna pembaris kertas, simpul n kena ketatkan.. Gunting.. Baru la dapat bola berbulu macam stokin yg korang tgk kat atas.. Hah!! Jgn fikir bukan2 pulak ekk.. Isk2..

Korang nak tau, at last apa aktiviti aku masa menunggu mama aku masuk kelas??.. Nanti aku citer ekk.. Aktiviti ganazzz tu.. Suspen jekk..


Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Jenguk-Jenguk.. Tinjau-Tinjau..

Salam.. Dah Disember rupanyer.. Sekejap jer masa berlalu.. Dah hujung tahun pun.. Banyak lagi azam, cita2 n impian tahun ni yg belum tertunai.. Suntuk dah masa, kena check n revise balik untuk dibawa ke tahun depan.. Mudah-mudahan Allah panjangkan umur kita semua.. Insya Allah..

Baru beberapa hari xmgadap blog ni, rasa cam dah lama banget xupdate.. Hehe.. Tu yg jenguk2.. tinjau2.. apa dh jadi kat blog aku ni..

The POLL has expired.. As depicted, Memey is the most wanted DIVA.. Even Siti was defeated.. Haha.. I know u guys r not serious right.. Talking about the response, 11 voters.. Not so good for starting.. Later I'll post another issue and we'll see the response ya..

Aiduladha is coming next week.. So hepi holiday and Selamat Hari Raya Aiduladha .. Sorry for any stupid word or action that Ive ever done.. Plz make sure you have enough rest and plan your journey wisely.. Your vehicle, home and watsoever.. Drive carefully .. We only hv one life, hence better to appreciate it.. Anyway I dont have any plan yet but most probably we will go somewhere with my adorable niece.. And actually Im not in the mood because my father was admitted and received physioteraphy treament on his shoulder.. He needs to get some rest..

I have no idea to proceed.. Just pray and hope my life will always full with smiles and trustworthy friends.. Like Naruto and his comrades.. 'Someone'.. Share everything.. Aiyo.. So ridiculous.. Am I awake??.. Sis Nuni.. Mr CitraJiwa.. Where r u.. ZZzzzz.. Huhh..


Sunday, November 30, 2008

100 visitors Celebration!!

Salam.. Haha.. Im so happy.. Thank you so much for keep on visiting my blog.. I dont think I already have loyal follower but atleast the number of visitor keep increasing..

Actually my target is in the middle of Dis to gain the 100 visitors.. Which means more less after a month I hv started rewriting my blog.. But, beyond my expectation, it happen by the end of this month.. So thank you.. Thank you.. Arigatto.. Sis Nuni ur time wil come soon keep it up!! AkuPejal --> wow so many oo.. 'Someone' plz visit often k.. Mr CitraJiwa miss u (No more in 'Blog Kengkawan' list.. He is unreachable).. Sobbing again.. Huhu..

Stil long way to go for 1000, so to all my beloved visitors, dont run away tau.. It just so easy to help me to achieve that number.. Everytime you surf, get start with visiting my blog okey.. Hehe..

Just joking, I dont like to force or to be forced.. The most important is you can do watever you wan at ur own wiling.. Of course, we cannot disobey our leader because that is our responsibility.. And watever we commit to do, make it the best!!!

Again thank you.. Love you all..

Hepi 100!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

aLaH Bisa.. TeGaL Biasa..

Salam.. The three suffering days were repeated.. Jumaat kami di opis sampai midnight.. Sabtu pulak until around 2 am.. Ahad tu aku pi Perak, kenduri kawen my buddy dekat Kati.. Hujan lebat sgt masa ondway balik ke Kl and sampai dh dkt maghrib.. Balik umah sat, mandi and p opis balik dalm 7.30 pm.. Kami bertiga meneruskan misi sehingga 6.00 pagi.. Pastu punch in kul 8.15 and mulakan latihan untuk Desk Officer bagi 4 pilot ministries till 5.00 pm.. Sumer dah macam lalat kena spray ngan Bygon.. Lalok and mamai.. Biler dh kul 5.30 ptg tu aper lagi, cpt2 cabut balik umah and hibernate..

I dont have any appropriate word to xpres my gratitude to my comrades.. Akib and Su.. Million thnks.. Allah the only one that able to rewards you fairly.. Thank you.. Thank you.. This system will not accomplish without your hard work and support.. And I always pray that we can maintain as a good teammate.. Alah bisa tegal biasa..

We have another training on the next Thursday but this time I dont expect we would as busy as previous.. Most of the preparation pertaining to the event are almost settle.. Some documents need to be rectified.. Very minor amendment.. And, the most crucial, we need some rest.. Bah Penilaian also helped alot.. So nice to collaborate with their team.. Despite of the 'upper hands' tortures that always tormenting us almost every day, we stil can smile and make some jokes like nothing happen.. Wat a relieve..

I hv MrCitraJiwa and My Sis Nuni at my side everyday.. But actually we lost somebody.. In fact Im d one that lost her.. Sedih aa.. Maybe it was my mistake but why dont she jst let it go.. I was really pressure at that moment and she shouldnt take the matter that serious.. Ok la, Im sorry, forgive me, I beg u.. Maafkan daku.. Really miss her laugh and smile.. Sobbing.. Hehe.. Xda la.. But plz, accept my apologize.. Lain kali xbuat dah..

Talking about 'someone'.. I do miss 'someone' alot.. Dont ask me who is 'someone' because 'someone' is always 'someone'.. Someday I might reveal more about 'someone' so just wait okey.. Hehe.. Like My Sis Nuni said 'someone' is somehow somewho... Haha .. Penin.. Penin.. So ridiculous.. The boundary is there and will not vanish.. To reach 'someone' even I have no word to please my heart.. Hmmm..

Dah kawen dah.. Slamat menempuh alam rumahtangga.. Byk tu ranjau dan durinya..

Ondway balik dari Kati, Perak.. Hujan lebat giler, tapi demi tugas kena segera smpi ke KL..

Terowong.. Mana mungkin insan blh hidup dlm kegelapan.. Cahaya, biarpun jauh di mana, akan tetap dijejaki..

Kadang2 kita mencari bayang, sedangkan matahari belum pun menjengah.. Bagaimana kita bisa yakin, bayang tidak berganjak bila matahari mula memancar??.. Sedangkan hakikatnya bayang itu ada pemiliknya..

Friday, November 21, 2008

Hari Bahagia.. Cabaran Bermula..

Salam.. Hari ni Su EL, Akib yg pd awalnya xdtg, lewat ke opis.. So Alhamdulillah.. Atleast Akib ada utk preparation arini..

Isnin ni kena bg training utk Internal Desk Officer, kena demo kt our TKP.. And by thurdays training utk pilot ministries pulak.. Secara logik aku rasa xmampu utk kami prepare yg terbaik, dgn masa yg sebegitu suntuk.. Tp kalo asyik fikir xblh jer, smpi biler keje xsettle.. So, I always bear in mind, no matter wat, I wil try my best..

Pada team aku, Akib n Su, kita sama2 harungi sumer ni ekk.. Hrp2nya kita x mgalah walau susah cmne pon.. Yg penting kita kena maintain senyum n vogue.. Hehe.. Mudah2an Allah murahkan rezki korang sbb korang mmg rajin n xberkira..

To our allies, Tun, Sarah , Hazirah n Hajiawati, thnx for the endless support.. Also for your patient and understanding, only Allay may repay you.. Its hard to collaborate especially when there are many things being manipulated and requested by multiple hands and desires.. But as I said, we wil try our best to satisfy every body.. Dont be bored okey, we need your support and ideas to deliver a useful evaluator.. Again, many thnks..

Hari ni, Hari Bahagia buat salah sorang insan yg amat bharga dlm hidup aku, bernama Meor Saifulizam dan pasangannya Puteri Ila.. Tahniah dari aku.. Selamat pengantin baru.. Maaf sbb xdpt dtg masa akad nikah ptg td.. Insya Allah, Ahad ni aku akan dtg kenduri n pastu bergegas blk ke opis.. Doa dari aku, Zu, Jun, Ika, Ijad, Suzana n Jahari agar korang bahagia dunia dan akhirat.. Dah msk club pun, jgn lupakan kami ekk.. Bukan senang jd suami/isteri.. Perkahwinan bukan utk sehari dua.. 3-4 tahun.. Tapi ikatan itu kita bawa ke akhirat sana.. Cabaran dan rintangan hanya mereka yg dh kawen jer tau.. So Akib/Su, kena ready betul2 tau kalau nak kawen..

'Someone' stil okey and I hope it wont change.. 'Someone' actually some sort of remedy for me to sustain my energy and mood during these tough days.. Huhu.. Mr CitraJiwa dont laugh ha.. 'Someone'.. 'Someone'..

I would like to wish my another cute sister SiS Mazni for her birthday.. Sory lambat wish.. May Allah bless you and your family.. Keep in touch ok since we have enough members now to restart our old visiting activity.. Hehe.. Kak Nuni wil be the new driver this time.. Insya Allah selamat.. And dont laugh at my buddy Mr CitraJiwa la.. Ok wat his thoughts, not many people can pen their words in such way.. Dintch bolz tau.. Huwahuwa..

Alright, time to put the last dot.. Before that, to all beloved visitors, come on la.. Jst leave some comment or msg, atleast I wil know wat do u feel upon ur visits.. Dont be so kedeks tau.. N dont forget to VOTE ur DIVA.. Just 5 voters.. Malu aa..


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Recovering days.. Cheerful day..

Salam.. Setelah bertukus-lumus sampai lemas akhirnya sesi User Acceptance Test selamat dijalankan pada Isnin
lepas.. Pagi tu, Su balik kul 5.30 pagi, aku balik kul 7 pagi.. Akib terus xbalik since dia dh bwk baju keje n p mandi kat masjid.. Sampai umah aku terus siap2 n smpi blk opis around 8.15 pagi..

Can u imagine??.. Penat nyer tuhan jer yg tau.. Pagi tu, every object yg aku tgk sumer ada atleast 5 clones or shadows.. N during the event, kami btiga just keep on in n out to get some rest n maintain our conscious till the end.. Jarum tepat jer kul 5.30 kami dengan rakusnya pulang ke rumah..

Mlm tu jam 3 pagi ++, aku mengigil 1 badan.. Dah pakai 2 blanket pun xada kesan.. Mula la kepala aku memikirkan sebab2 yg xmsk dek akal.. Kena DENGGI ker??.. Dah nk MATI ker.. UUhhhhhh... Minum jer air teh suam badan dh start okey.. Tdo balik smpi pagi.. Alih2 Akib pulak down.. EL xdtg keje.. Sian kat dia.. Aku dengar kat phone suara dia dh macam Tok Aki.. Nasib Su maintain segar n cun.. Hehe..

Semlm n arini En Wan ada, aku report kat dia mana error yg jadi during the test.. Tima kacih En Wan sbb byk tulung kami budak2 yg baru blaja ni.. Su duk fokus kat report nak kena present esok (Khamis).. Akib pun dh okey cuma PC dia infected by virus n tgh dirawat oleh pasukan technician kami yg ada jutsu2 merawat yg hebat n dasat..

So I think within these 2 days we have almost recovered.. N today, wat a wonderful day.. Haha Im sure by this time Mr CitraJiwa already smiling.. Hehe.. Someone is back!!..

Maybe Im crazy.. I dont know.. Really.. That 'someone' somehow influence my mood.. Haiya.. Hard to describe la.. Only Mr CitraJiwa knows.. Thank God.. But frankly this is not good for me and sooner or later I need to bring it to the end.. Nasib badan.. Mr CitraJiwa, dont break the secret, dincth bolz!!

Today my sis Nuni become a fultime driver.. She keep on telling takut.. Takut.. But Im sure she can do it.. Biasa la, mula2 sumer org xkonpiden but day by day okey la nanti.. Kalo dia stuck somewhere, dont worry, I and Mr CitraJiwa will always ready to help anytime anywhere 24/7.. Hehe.. Insya Allah.. N she is busy increasing her blog's counter.. Promotion everywhere.. Me too, cannot leave behind oo.. Haha.. So guys, plz come to my blog often okey.. Dont forget to leave ur comment.. Make it more happening tau..

Last but not least, Hepi Belated Birthday to Mr CitraJiwa, My Sis Nuni, My Boss Kak Min, My buddy Faizal and 'Someone'.. May Allah bless u and ur family, protect and loves u and ur family all the times.. Success in your life, here n thereafter..
Hepi Birthday!!

Okey la.. Dah panjang plak entry arini.. Lepas ni kami nk kena present the result of the test to the stakeholders, nk present to our Pengarah, Timbalan Ketua Pengarah and ultimately kena bg latihan to the ministries yg terlibat by next Thursday..

Moga2 kesihatan dan kesabaran terus berkekalan.. Pada Su and Akib thanks so much.. We will strive and face the challenge hand in hand, together.. Ganbatte!!

Jumpa lagi..

Kwang.. Kwang..

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Exhausting day

Salam.. Mmmm.. So exhausted.. From Friday, yesterday and today.. Three of us struggling in the office.. These 3 days to finalize the preparations of tomorrow system testing.. Stil alot to get it done.. Sometimes I feel like wan to run away from this task..

But when looking at Akib and Suhaiza, Im so humiliate.. They keep doing it without any word.. Their efforts are superb.. Even permanent staff wont have such attitude.. Hmmppphhh..

Im still in the midst of learning and adapting my life with my family and my job.. Its hard and also tough.. My mum always advise me to be patient and dont ever try to do anything without considerations.. Ma, miss u so much..

You might have someone beside you most of the times, but the matter is either this person could comfort you or not.. Perhaps he/she has tried very hard but even so you stil cannot feel it..

I dont know why.. But I suppose not to write anything this time but I realy need to calm my self.. Arrgghhh..

Smile.. Smile.. Smile.. Dont take it too harsh, take it easy and smile.. Smile.. Smile..

Huh wat a tough, exhausted insane day....

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Salam.. Skang ni aku kat opis lagi.. Kul 2 pg dah.. Nak wat cmne test skrip untuk User Acceptance Test on coming Monday xsiap lagi..

Tapi sempat lagi tulis blog, hehe.. Dah addict plak.. Selagi daya, selagi punya cerita, aku xbisa pendam sendiri.. Sudahnya ku taip jua utk dikongsi..

Kawan aku Mr azRoLL pun encourage aku utk blog memblog ni.. hehe.. Thnx bro, u r my friend forever..

Korang penah g zoo?? Aku penah g masa kanak2 dulu, baru2 ni aku rasa dlm minggu 4 raya, aku n family bwk anak buah aku p cna.. Zoo Melaka..

Seekor kakaktua yang puteh bersih dan gebu menyambut kedatangan kami dgn muka yg aku kureng gemor sket... Iskk x user frenly la dia..

Ek ee Mr Camel.. Dari arab la.. arab la.. ali baba la..

Yang ni.. Namanya Girafah.. Sayang tul dia dgn anak dia kan.. Tapi tah2 anak dia tgh kena lecture tak.. Kwang.. Kwang..

Alamak.. Gajah ni naik minyak la.. Cabutttttttttttttttttt..

OOoo dia bukan naik minyak aa.. Yg lagi satu ni tgh menari.. So yg tadi rupanya lari sebab sawan tgk kawan dia comei beno menari.. Hehehe..

OOppsss.. Sensored ni.. Punggung siapakah yg bwarna warni ituuuuu.. Hah kalo korang nk tau, binatang ni (aku lupa nama dia)kalo dia period (kalo dia pure betina lar) punggung dia akan jd kalerpul.. Kalo x satu kaler, hitam jer kut... Huwah huwah..

Amacam.. Suka x all the pics.. Hehe.. Pada siapa yg komputer dia slow banget nak load page aku. soryy byk2.. I've tried my best to compressed those pics as the smallest size I can..

Pada Din, dia merajuk masa aku nak p Zoo Melaka ni, sorry byk2.. Bukan aku nak aniaya dia@ xbagi dia dtg umahh, cuma aku mmg dah overnite kat umah mak aku n we all straight to Zoo by the next morning..

Nanti kita jumpa kay.. Jgn marah2 tau.. Maafkan daku.. Wan n Falah pun lama x dgr berita.. Sibuk jadi ayah ekk, tak pa la ada masa, ada umur kita kumpul ramai2 ekk..

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Org Singgah dan Gambar

Salam.. 2 hari lepas aku masukkan visitor counter.. Menda ni fungsinya kalo ualz dintch hoi adalah mengira org yang singgah kat blog korang..

Kalo dlm blog, kita panggil dia widget, bukan Inspektor Gadjet tau!!.. Huhu.. Normally the calculation based on the IP, the same IP will be counted one time only as per day.. IP tu pulak alamat PC korang dlm ruang Internet..

Yg best nyer, semenjak kemalrin aku dh x betah duk diam.. Asyik2 load page tgk counter tu, dari 1 sampai 10 ni.. Lambatnya nak bertambah.. Blog org lain dah berempah ratus..
Tp x apa la kan, baru 3 hari jer activate.. Aku pun blum wat promotion lagik..

Semlm aku tnya one of my staf, and according to her, picture is the best element to attract people to drop by.. But the prob is, any PC that using almost death network, going to get blow!! Hmmmpphh..

Nevermind, lets have a try, I wil embed some pic this time okey.. If u dont like, jst leave a sign in the msg okey..

One of the nice waterfall in Malaysia.. Cantik.. damai.. dan aman..

Cantik nyer lah.. Cam nak mandi jer..

Memang nak mandi, tp salah seorg membe aku dah pening2 psl jln bengkang-bengkok.. So sian kat dia, kami yg lain amik udara je la..

Korang tau kat mana... Kat mana ekk??.. Kami ada di celah2 manusia tu.. Yg mana korang rasa kami, itulah kami.. Huhu..

Si comel ni pulak aku beli utk souvenir anak buah aku, tp dia xsuka pulak sebab kepala doll tu je dh separuh bdn dia.. Tp aku xkira, aku jengil jer mata, terus anak buah aku kena terima doll tu dgn paksa rela.. Hehehe.. Baik punya Pak Long kan.. (Dia panggil aku Pak Yong..).. Rindu betul kat dia..

Okey la, gambar dh masuk, so moh le beramai2 singgah ke blog ni ekk.. Jgn slh guna gambo tu ekk.. Jumpa lagiiii..

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Hahh.. I told u.. Im mad!!! Haha.. Cannot stop oo.. Previously I hv set in a top banner but somehow the red boarder stil exist.. UUrrgghh, the line of the box was very thin but stil I dont like it.. The header looks so messy..

So, again I opened the HTML codes.. After awhile, I found the code that should be modified.. U wan to know....

/* Header

#header-wrapper {
margin:0 auto 10px;
border:0px solid $bordercolor;

#header {
margin: 5px;
border: 0px solid $bordercolor;
text-align: center;

Just change the bold items and the red boarder is now vanished.

Only my beauty banner will hanging up there.. Hehe..

And.. can somebody out there teach me how to change the backgroud (the whole blog) because my one is so whitety, plz la..

The codes are very basic and I dont even proud of it so dont try to accuse me anything ok (xbaik dengki tau)..

Pelan2 la blajo.. Paham ker???!! Kui.. Kui..

**BTW one of my bestest buddy keep hiding himself for quite long.. Where r u?? Plz show up.. MR LAH.. Mana mung.. ??!!??...


Salam.. Alamak.. Td baru write entry, ni nak write lagiiii.. Exaggerated bebeno nampaknyer.. Hehehe.. Boring n blur wat test script, tu yg tetiba gatai p make up blog ni..

X la advance mana, sekadar permulaan.. Kalo korang perasan banner kat atas tu dh ubah, design haprak je tu.. Tangan ni baru nk biasa balik dgn Photoshop.. Jgn kutuk aa..

Ada la tukar kaler sket here and there..Even so byk lagi yg blh improve.. Wel this is my 1st attempt, as the page changed, ok la ekk..For those bloggers or anybody that wiling to share the secret of their blog's beauty (beauty ker wakaka), dont feel hesitate.. U may post the way..

Okey la.. nak sambung keje la, Akib tgh pulun, so kena catch up.. Jumpa lagi.. Xtau bler, Nov 2009 ke.. 5 menet lg ker.. hehe..


Hmm.. Xsangka ekk.. Lama dh xtulis apa2 kini membuak2 rasa hati nak kembali meluahkan ceriti Dcni..

Wats up man.. Pada kengkawan yang menyinggah, jgn la bosan, ni dh update dh.. Datang balik ekk, sorry la byk betul peristiwa yg terjadi sampai susah betul rasanya nak menaip di ruang ini..

Yer.. Lama tu nk wat come back ni.. Setahun lebih kut.. Huhu nasib blum kena black list.. Tu la bkn senag nak istiqamah tau..

Skang ni aku busy (xabih2 lagi ekk..).. Busy dgn modul terbaru utk kegunaan negara.. Byk tul cabaran n dugaan nya.. Arggh bsimpul2 urat kepala biler tgh tension tu.. Mcm mana la bos2 kt atas tu keje ekk, level ni pun aku selalu rasa down.. Hampir2 dah nak apply Tampoi@Tanjung Rambutan..

Anak2 buah aku, kalo korang tjmpa blog ni, dgn penuh ikhlas dari hati, aku nk ucap terima kasih byk2.. Akib n Su, sesungguhnya korang btul2 dtg dikala aku hilang keyakinan diri.. Cuma kalo aku tgh bad mood tu, paham2 la, bkn aku xcuba kontrol tp itu yg plg best aku blh buat.. Harap paham ekk, jgn mogok tau, sabar byk2..

Kdg2 tension tbwk smpi ke umah, infact tgh tdo pun aku blh mimpi psl opis.. Kronik tu wa ckp lu.. Skang tgh cuba handle, tgk naruto (Sian, Asuma dh mati..), bleach.. Nasib baik Meo (my bestest buddy) tlg burnkan.. Dia dh nak kawen hujung bln ni..

So slamat bkawen, slamat Pengantin baru.. Jd la husband yg baik, syg isteri tu tau, syg selamanya.. Gaduh tu perkara biasa, kalo x, cmne nak paham perangai msg2..

Hmm.. Okey la.. Smpi cni dulu, sebelum aku stop, tgh dgr lagu 'Sahabat' Kumpulan Firdaus..

-Engkaulah kisah silam ku..
-Cerita lama, kisah suka dan duka bersama mu..
-Pasti kita kan bertemu, setelah sekian waktu..
-Wahai sahabatku..

Teringat kat Pazil 'tonyoh ke ateh' hehe.. Bila la nak jumpa ekk.. Smoga kengkawan panjang umur, sihat dan bahagia selalu.. Jumpa lagi..